Johannes Waldmann, HTWK Leipzig
“data protection” (Datenschutz)
protecting the rights of invdividuals
with respect to processing information (data) that is, or can be, associated to their person.
(processing by individuals, companies, state institutions)
“data security” (Datensicherheit)
technical methods, tools and procedures that are helpful to achieve this goal (and others)
this talk: focus on the legal aspects,
in Germany and European Union
and this is not legal advice.
What you read here, (hopefully)
gives the correct general idea,
but certainly
is not complete
is simplified.
who am I (for this talk)?
I am not speaking in my capacity as HTWK’s privacy officer (Datenschutzbeauftragter).
this is an academic lecture (in my capacity as professor of computer science).
…is necessary for society to function
state: processes personal data for
e.g., elections, taxation, law enforcement, …(discuss: infrastructure?)
companies: process personal data …
of employees, e.g., wages,
of customers, e.g. banks, insurance, car rental, …(discuss: supermarket?)
of unrelated, unsuspecting third persons, e.g., for market research
…can be mis-used, threat of mis-use already restricts person’s freedom (e.g., of speech)
…invites mis-use by third parties (criminals)
German/European privacy laws influenced by:
confidentiality for certain professions
medical doctors, attorneys, priests, journalists
German national census (Volkszählung) 1983
declared unlawful by highest German court
because it violates basic human right of informational self-determination (informationelle Selbstbestimmung)
East German (1949–1989) citizens under constant surveillance by state secret service,
using collected (and fabricated) data for accusations, imprisonment, expatriation
fundamental procedure
citizens elect parlamentarians
parlament (discussed and) passes laws
president signs and formally announces laws
on several levels
state (e.g., city of Leipzig belongs to state of Saxony, capital Dresden)
federation (Federal Republic of Germany, capital Berlin)
European union (parlament in Strasbourg, Bruselles, Luxembourg)
state: Sächsisches Datenschutzgesetz
processing of personal data by state institutions
e.g., of student data, by universities
federation: Bundesdatanschutzgesetz
…by private and commercial entities
discuss: location of online service providers
1995: data protection directive (Richtlinie)
2018 ?: data prot. regulation (Verordnung)
processing of personal data is prohibited
unless explicitly allowed by law (or regulation):
Hochschulgesetz (Higher Education Law) (§5) tasks of universities (§14) what personal data can be processed
university regulations for library, computers,
if allowed, then only to the minimal necessary extent for realizing the specific task
each person has the right to
know all their data that is being processed,
have data corrected, deleted, blocked
each state institution has a Privacy Officer (Datenschutzbeauftragter). Tasks:
know the laws,
help (both sides) in applying them
check personal data processing
(while it is being done, and before)
help in resolving disputes
(e.g., between student and administrative office)
this officer operates independently
(can inspect all details, rector cannot give orders)
laws for processing of personal data by public (state) institutions are very strict,
purpose is to protect the citizen
because the state is much more powerful
and the citizen has no choice
laws for processing of personal data by private (commercial) entities are somewhat different:
people are free to enter/negotiate contracts
there is a choice (of service providers, …)
still there are rules, to protect customers’ interests
(cf. merchants, air transportation)
for many businesses, processing of personal data of their customers is central and obvious task (finance, insurance, …)
for others, this is central but non-obvious,
often deliberatly obfuscated
not restricted to customers,
extended to users of web sites
even of unrelated web sites
often with companies that offer “free” services
if the service is free,
it is the client that is being sold.
the business of commercial search engine providers, “social” network providers, …is
selling advertising space to their customers
so, in order to increase their profit, they want to
attract more targets for advertising (“users”)
know the (shopping) preferences of their targets better
they (hope to) achieve this by
cool services, claims of “everyone else uses it”, upgrades after (free) registration
aggregating and evaluating personal data
obvious: store your web site, photos, calendar, e-mail
not that obvious (but if you think for a moment …)
online translation services
real-time auto-completion
(typing speed and spelling errors)
browser identification (including OS name)
cookies (for “storing user preferences”)
third-party cookies (for continuous tracking)
URL shortening services
DNS resolver service
right to “be forgotten”
whenever consent is required, it must be given explicitly, rather than be assumed
right of data portability (change of provider)
applicable also for processing outside EU
Is this “killing internet economy”?
hopefully, it kills the worst instances of it
it improves the market (creates jobs) for privacy-sensitive service providers
as individuals
know how much of your (and your friends’) personal data you are paying for “free” services
think of the long-term implications (your employment, credit approval, health insurance)
know your citizen rights, and exercise them
as (future) IT professionals: (all of the above and) learn and apply technologies for privacy:
design systems that use personal data sparingly
secure communication on insecure channels
secure storage on untrusted servers
the message should be encrypted,
but the (decryption) key cannot be transported safely.
solutions for secure end-to-end encryption:
public (encryption) key
decryption key remains private
RSA (relies on hardness of factoring)
used in PGP (email end-to-end encryption)
and for authenticity (signature) checking
construction of shared (session) keys
Diffie-Hellman (…of discrete logarithm)
used in HTTPS, SSH, TLS
service provider (SP) delegates authentication to identity provider (IdP),
SP does not receive/store password information
example: Shibboleth protocol, example:
SP: shared distance learning service
for universities in Saxony
IdP: student’s home university
example: eduroam (guest WiFi access)
SP: WiFi of university hosting a conference
IdP: participant’s home university
SP can provide anonymous services (IdP does not tell authenticated user’s identity to SP)
find out what information your browser sends:
in a shell, run nc -l -p 9999
(keep running);
in browser, open http://localhost:9999/
find out to what additional web sites your data gets sent (Firefox \(\to\) Tools \(\to\) Web Developer \(\to\) Network, ctrl-shift-Q)
confirm that your browsers sends keystrokes
as you type search terms (same method)
view your cross-site tracking cookies with Lightbeam (previously: Collusion) Firefox plugin
compare to data in the “EU cookie sweep” (find the official report, using a safe search engine)
private key: \((p,q)\) both prime
public key: \((e,m)\) where \(m=pq\) and \(\gcd(e,\phi(m))=1\) with \(\phi(m)=(p-1)(q-1)\)
encrpytion of cleartext \(t\) is \(t^e \bmod m\)
decryption of ciphertext \(c\) is \(c^A \mod m\)
where \(A,B\) such that \(A\cdot e + B\cdot \phi(m)=1\),
compute \(A,B\) by extended Euclidean algorithm
proof: \(A e \equiv 1 \bmod\phi(m)\), thus \((c^e)^A \equiv c^1\)
using Fermat’s “little” theorem \(c^{\phi(m)}\equiv 1 \bmod m\)
Ex: \(p=3,q=11, ~ m=33,\) \(e=3,\phi(m)=20,\) \(A=7, B=-1\), \(7\stackrel{enc}{\to} 7^3\equiv 13 \stackrel{dec}{\to} 13^7\equiv 7\).
Theorem: for \(a,b\in{\mathbb{Z}}\) there exist \(c,d\in{\mathbb{Z}}\) such that \(ac+bd=\gcd(a,b)\)
Proof: modify Euclid’s algorithm (for computing \(\gcd(a,b)\)) in such a way that it also computes \(c,d\).
common, public: base \(g\), prime modulus \(p\)
A’s secret is number \(a\), send \(g^a\bmod p\) to \(B\)
B’s secret is number \(b\), send \(g^b \bmod p\) to \(A\)
shared secret then is \(s=(g^a)^b=(g^b)^a \bmod p\)
use \(s\) for standard (symmetric) encryption
Ex: \(g=2, p=19\),
\(a=11, g^a=15\), \(b=12, g^b=11\),
\(s=g^{11\cdot 12}=7 \bmod 19\).